What People Say

Tom Aslesen
"I desire to see the Gospel message proclaimed through professionally produced films attractive to unbelievers. I know Kevin Sorbo from high school and know he has the same desire. God bless, Tom Aslesen"
Dr. Janine M Mathesz
"This is a great way to reach people who do not have a relationship with God. It looks like a great movie and I feel led to give you the funds."
Lynda Brunsen
"The story is compelling, and may bring thousands more to Christ. That’s what I will be praying for"
Carol A Widen
"I never knew it was possible to invest in films, so why not? Besides, we need more entertainment choices which are inspirational in these dark times."
Bonnie J Sorge
"I believe the Lord is using movies like this to bring the lost to Christ! It's important to me to give towards the work he has placed in your hands for his glory, thank you for bringing this story to the big screen!"
Jerry Richardson
"I am a Christian that feels that Hollywood is leading people away from God. We need to deliver the message of Jesus to touch as many hearts as possible. This movie should stir the Spirit God placed in everyone and lead them to Christ."
Daniel Shrigley
"I’ve always supported artists creation in film. I’ve appeared with a small speaking role in an independent film and starred in a reality television series on Discovery Channel titled “Ultimate Ninja Challenge” and have an IMDb Pro Account. I support actors and directors as well as producers that ask for help. ~Daniel W. Shrigley"
Melanie Lucas
"I invested because I personally feel that your mission is one that I would like to be part of. Your film couldn’t come at a better time and I am praying for your great success!"
Donabelle Halopoff
"Films promoting positivity, patriotism, and driving people to make a positive change are the films I want to see and support! Someday, I’ll be able to support in a bigger way!"
Michael Lynch
"To be a fisher of men. To get the word out to the unchurched and non-believers that God truly exists. Thank you for the opportunity to invest in this wonderful message!!!"
"I appreciate these types of films and hope that investing will continue their growth."
"Traditional Hollywood is garbage. We need a new generation of meaningful entertainment without an anti American agenda! Bring it on!"
"I want to see more movies that share hope. That promote love and not hatred. Our world is so for of hate and violence and I believe people want to see movies that promote hope and love."
"We have seen a number of great movies that have a Christian perspective. The clip we watched on The Firing Squad was moving and exciting. Investing in a movie like this for us would be a privilege and an opportunity to help reach the lost for Christ around the world."
Tiarra Wells
"I invested because I watched Freedom and it discussed the difficulty of advertising the film and getting it into theaters. I believe my Christian brothers and sisters in 3rd world countries endure much prosecution for believing in God. They have faith knowing that God has prepared a place for them in heaven so death has no power of them. I think this message needs to be shared and eyes should be enlightened. I pray this film does well in theaters and more Christian films receive funding and same opportunities for advertising."
"I am a believer and am concerned that the U. S. population is becoming less likely to have faith and more secular. Films like this one could make some converts."
Three reasons, 1) love Epoch 2) love the message of the movie 3) want to make some money, if this does well I’ll do between 50k to a million next time.