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Watch 'THE FIRING SQUAD' exclusively online now

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For a limited time, you can watch 'THE FIRING SQUAD' exclusively here:


Released in theaters nationwide, 'The Firing Squad' is based on the incredible true story of three Christian prisoners who face execution in a third-world country and win the entire prison camp to Christ.


Starring Kevin Sorbo, James Barrington, Cuba Gooding, Jr, Madeline Anderson, Tupua Ainu'u, and Eric Roberts


Epoch Times / Epoch Studios is delighted that you can watch this powerful film exclusively here. The tear-jerking film has stunned the nation as thousands of people came closer to Christ in theaters across the nation.


Critic Reviews:


Fandango Reviews:


Join Governor Huckabee, 700 Club, TBN, K-Love, and many other who say the film is a 'must see'.

The filmmakers have been supported by Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), Calvary Chapel, Pastor Greg Laurie, NACC, Baptist Press, Christian Cinema, NRB, Kay Arthur, The Fish Radio, Rebecca St. James, Lifeway Christian, NRB, Christian Festival Association, Life Surge, Tim Tebow, Nick Vujicic, Philip Yancey, et al

This is for private viewing only. If you would like a church license, please email us at

May God bless you as you watch this incredible film!


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